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Hi, I'm Rhani Green also known as I Am The Glitch

I'm the founder of The Energetic Match Method - A method that helps conscious humans become an energetic match for their wildest dreams through hypnotherapy, detoxing, fasting, reprogramming your unconscious mind, saying YES to what scares you and actually taking the aligned action.


Through learning, teaching and holding space for not only 100's of clients but also myself, I have handpicked the best and proven ways to raise your frequency to become a magnet for what you desire. I've done the hard work, I have the codes and it is yours for the taking.


Remember, what you seek is seeking you, you just have to become an energetic match for it.​​


No 1:1's or live programs as of July 2024...



Protocols & Ebooks


Prices include express postage within Australia. If you pay by PayPal it will be sent out the next business day

Codey Hannan

"Rhani Green changed my life" "Within a month I got everything I was looking for, where now I can travel freely, I'm enjoying Europe and making money and I am the happiest I've ever been."
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